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The School for Ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey invites you to share in Evening Prayer and Compline. I will be leading evening online worship service on Sunday, November 26th, at 7:30PM.
To join our service online: click the link below a few minutes before 7:30 pm.
Password is 190920
Or enter the meeting ID – 421 288 639 – in your zoom page where it says join meeting and then enter Password 190920
Please make sure your mics are muted until it is time to pray together.
To join our service by phone, call the number a few minutes before 7:30 pm.
Phone # 646 – 876 – 9923
When prompted, input this Meeting ID: 421 288 639 followed by the # sign
When asked for a user id number re-enter: 421 288 639 followed by the # sign
When asked for a password enter 190920
Please make sure your mics are muted until it is time to pray together.
Feel free to share with your family and friends.
Thank you for your support and being part being part of my journey.
David S. Gooding

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