Welcome to St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church website. We are glad to have you as a visitor and excited about the opportunity of you becoming our member.

St. Elizabeth’s Church gathers for worship at 8:00 and 10:00 A.M on Sunday mornings (more info on Services). Nursery care is available from 9:45 a.m. through 11:30 a.m. on Sunday. Coffee is available after each service for fellowship. We have additional services and events throughout the week, kindly check the calendar for weekly events.

We invite you to boldly and kindheartedly join us on our everyday pilgrimage to explore the mystery of God in Christ Jesus within the sacred of Blessed Elizabeth.

At St. Elizabeth’s our proud boast is our sanctuary is “A House of Prayer for All People.” If you are seeking information about pastoral services such as spiritual counseling, funerals, weddings or whatever your reason for visiting our website might be, our Rector – Canon Andy Moore would be delighted to hear from you – by email fatherandymoore@gmail.com or  stelizabethsnj@gmail.com;  by telephone 908 289-0681 or by completing this contact form.

If it seems that St. Elizabeth could be your spiritual home, then we will most warmly welcome you as a member.

How can I become a member of St. Elizabeth’s Church?
If you have decided to become a member of St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, we would be delighted to have you! We welcome new members from every walk of life, at every stage of their journey. If you would like to explore membership, baptism, confirmation, or simply inquire a little further about the life, work and witness of St. Elizabeth, we would be delighted to hear from you. Simply call the Church Office 908 289-0681or fill in this contact form. Pastoral services such as weddings and funerals are also offered to those who are not members of our congregation.

Fill Out a Newcomer’s Card
If you fill out the newcomer’s pew card or the form on the welcome page, we will include you on our mailing list so you can receive all the latest news from St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church. Information about the goings-on at St. Elizabeth’s Church are conveyed through a weekly online newsletter. Be sure to provide your email address or sign up online so we can share with you this helpful source of news.

Introduce Yourself to those Around You
We want to make sure you meet and get to know our St. Elizabeth’s Church family. If you get a chance on Sunday morning during the Peace or after church, introduce yourself to those in your pew and surroundings.

Introduce Yourself to the Rector
The Rector at St. Elizabeth’s Church would love to get to know you. Please introduce yourself, either at the door on Sunday morning or by making an appointment with us in our offices during the week. We would love to help you get integrated into life here at St. Elizabeth’s Church.

Join Us For After Service Coffee Hour!
After you have introduced yourself or if you are yet to introduce yourself, please don’t hesitate to join us for After Service Coffee Hour.

Get Involved!
The best way to get to know people at St. Elizabeth’s Church is to participate in one of our many ministries or mission works. Whether you feel called to arrange flowers, lead Children’s Worship, sing in the choir, assist on the altar or help with an outreach event, participating in ministry is the fastest way to make friends at St. Elizabeth’s Church.

What does it mean to join St. Elizabeth’s Church?
At St. Elizabeth’s Church, we believe the real ministry of the church happens by its lay members. We ask our members to pray, attend worship services regularly, give, and stay open to doing the work of ministry. That work may happen within St. Elizabeth’s Church’s walls: teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir or helping in our community. That work may also happen in your everyday life as you minister to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers.

Becoming Episcopalian


If you would like to join the Episcopal Church, baptism is the first step. The Episcopal Church accepts the baptism of other denominations. If you have not been baptized and would like to do so in order to become a member of the Christian family, please contact the Rector or the administrative assistant at the church office.

Confirmation is the sacrament in which a baptized teen or adult makes a commitment to follow Christ. If you have been baptized as a child, but would like to be confirmed as an adult in the Episcopal Church, please contact the Rector or the administrative assistant at the church office.