Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, and we hope everything will be different even if things may seem to be the same. This paradox lies at the heart of the chosen text of Lenten focus for us at St Elizabeth’s “Walk by Faith, Not by Sight” 2Cor.5:7. On this forty day pilgrimage the goal is to discover who we really are called to be which may be a totally different reality to what the world declares.
Lent for us is an invitation from God for the renewal of total selves seeking the excellence to which our baptism bestowed upon us. The light of God which transfigured Jesus last Sunday will lead us into deeper truths which the world demands of the new church being birthed in the post-pandemic world. No longer will we be stuck in the traditional spaces of weakness and lack of empowerment due to worldly configurations. Like butterflies breaking out of cocoon, the goal is to reveal the beauty which God has bestowed upon us.
Join us for the next forty days on a pilgrimage of faith through increased worship time, contemplative prayer, compassionate acts, regular fasting, and abstinence. Together, we will pass on the faith of Jesus Christ to Gen Z and Gen Alpha as they teach us new and exciting ways to tell the old story of God’s love.
On this pilgrimage we will be using old tools in new ways such as Stations of the Cross and abstinence while incorporation new ways such as Lenten Jazz and kids filmmaking documenting their Christian journey. Let us commit ourselves to making this the best Lent ever!