Corona Update Wednesday, March 18th, 2020
Dear St. Elizabeth’s Family,
In light of this unforeseeable health crisis, the Vestry, staff and I are continually seeking new ways to do Church and to keep the St. Elizabeth’s faith community a viable and cohesive one.
Please expect vestry members to be reaching out to you via telephone calls to check on your well-being and to find out if you need any kind of support. Check your emails/constant contact and the Church’s blog on our website regularly. It is important you check your emails often. Going to the Church’s website for important information regarding St. Elizabeth’s and the Episcopal Church as a whole and how this epidemic is affecting our community is imperative. Additionally, on our website you will find our sermons and additional words of comfort during these difficult times. Finally, for you to continue to support the Church financially, please use REALM. If you are not on REALM as yet, you will find detailed sign-on instructions on the website.
This is how we will be doing church, so please take advantage of the information and the services we will be offering during this time.
Stay safe, healthy, faithful and blessed,
Canon Andy Moore