Dear Elizabethan,
I am writing to you to ask for your help.
We are getting ready to celebrate Harvest at our home church St. Elizabeth’s with the aim of thanking God for His blessings for our homes- in every kitchen, in every school, in every neighborhood, in every town, every city where you reside and in every place of prayer.
Harvest celebrations aim to lift up people like yourself – people of faith and spirit to become Thanksgivers for all God has done. Harvest is more than an occasion but a movement within which we are constantly called to celebrate God’s action in our world. This is a movement that energizes people and communities to answer the call to celebrate not only our blessings but having a blessing called earth as we join with others to assist in sustaining a healthy environment to leave as a legacy for our children. Harvest reminds us that we are part of a movement of our personal and collective transformation to build a life connected to each other on this Earth.
During this past summer, our Sunday School members sustained a strong focus on Creation Care as they planted and nurtured the fruits, vegetables and flowers which we are hoping to use for our celebrations as backdrops for the greater story of God’s loving act of kindness and our responsibility to assist in sustaining it. The greatest Harvest, however, is really the rebirth and flowering of our Sunday School. While other churches and institutions are struggling in their efforts to attract children we have been blessed with a core group of twenty children ranging from Pre-K to 8th grade. This is miraculous!
Our Harvest celebration is built around the theme “Reconnecting & Recommitting.” St. Elizabeth’s,we need your help with your financial, spiritual support, and your moral commitment and most importantly your presence as we celebrate the goodness of God in the renewal of his world through stewardship at St. Elizabeth. Be A Blessing!
By joining in our worship celebrations on Sunday November 19th, at our celebration at 9:00am, we kindly ask you to bring along food donations of any kind to assist in our Thanksgiving Food Drive to assist the hungry and needy in our community.
Join us in this Harvest of Gratitude movement with your support with your voices seeking to share in the lives of others so that together we can build a community of love that reflects God’s loving presence among us. Your support is vitally needed to be part of this glorious movement!
By now all parishioners should have received a Harvest envelope; on that day our preference is for a public giving. However, if you prefer to give online please use your Realm access. Please do not discard but view it as an invitation to share in the joyful responsibility of proclaiming with your commitment in this Harvest of Gratitude movement.
Let us embrace the Harvest of Gratitude movement!
Thank you.